Upgrading Your Website’s Security
With more businesses going digital, it makes sense then that business owners will be investing more in their websites. And while eye-catching design and smart functionality, combined with super loading speeds is important, something you MUST consider when it comes to your business website is security.
Websites contain a whole host of important information and carry out key functions. Whether visitors are making payments online, placing orders, subscribing and more, any details they provide, such as bank details or contact information, must be kept safe.
Hackers are a real threat to businesses. We’ve seen a steep rise in cyber attacks over the last few years. Ransomware, in particular, is on the rise, with hackers encrypting system data, rendering the data unusable until a ransom is paid by the owner.
As a business owner, you are responsible for making sure your website is safe and that valuable data is protected. If you have a knowledge gap when it comes to online security, it’s important to take action and educate yourself to help reduce your website’s vulnerability.
Below are several essential steps you can take to upgrade your website’s security.
Secure passwords
You’ve likely heard this particular piece of advice hundreds, if not thousands of times before. But it’s always worth restating. Secure passwords are vital when it comes to data protection and security.
You should have a different password for every new log in request. These should then be stored outside of the web directory or in a password manager. You should also ensure that passwords are changed every three months.
Passwords should not be easy to guess. The best passwords are over 12 characters in length and contain a mix of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols.
Did you know:
A password that is four characters long can be hacked instantly.
A password that is 12 characters long, with a combination of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols will take approximately 34,000 years to be hacked.
Keep plugins and software up to date
If your website software is out of date, your website security is compromised. Many updates include security enhancements and important fixes that are necessary to keep your site secure. These updates are essential to your website’s health and safety, so it’s important to remember them. Many platforms offer automatic updates, so that it’s one less thing for you to worry about.
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Manage and record user access
Ideally, as few people as possible should have administrative access to your website. You should keep records of those people who have access and what level of permissions they have. By restricting access, you limit potential risk opportunities. Anyone who does have access should be educated about website safety, to help mitigate risk.
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Install HTTPS and an SSL certificate
HTTPS and SSL certificates are key protocols that help keep user information secure when it is being transferred from one place to another, by using encryption. It is essential that your site has these installed if you are handling data.
Back up your website
Make sure you are regularly backing up your website so that, if it is hacked, you can restore a previous version with little fuss. Keep any backups on a different server or store them in the cloud. You can set up automatic backups to save you time and effort.
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Find a secure web host
Secure web hosting is key in keeping your website secure. When choosing a web host, look for ones that offer file backup services and Secure Filer Transfer Protocol (SFTP), use Rootkit Scanners, disable FTP Use by Unknown Users and stay up to date on security upgrades.
When it comes to cyber security and keeping your website safe, it can seem somewhat intimidating. But, by investing a little time and energy into shoring up your website’s defences, you can avoid huge potential problems down the line. To speak to someone about risk management strategies for your business website, plus how cyber insurance could help you, contact [broker_name] today on [broker_phone].